A mole, the medical term is nevus, is a collection of skin cells that produce pigment. Moles can be present at birth, but it is also normal for new moles to appear until someone is around 35 years old. Moles are usually benign, but they can occasionally become cancerous.

Moles can occur anywhere on the body, and their appearance can vary. Moles ca be black, brown, tan, blue, pink flesh-colored, or a combination of colors. They can be raised or flat, and a mole may have hair growing from it. Moles can range from several millimeters to several centimeters in size and are most commonly circular in shape.
Most moles require no treatment. For concerning or symptomatic moles, treatment may involve monitoring with photographs over time, or outpatient surgical excision.
When to make an appointment
Contact us for a mole that looks different or behaves differently (e.g., bleeding, painful, itchy) than other moles on your body. Other symptoms are a mole that is changing in size, shape, or color, a mole that appears after the age of 35, or a symptomatic mole. We also recommend that anyone 40 years or older schedule an annual full-body skin check for concerning moles.