Psoriasis is a common, autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the skin. This inflammatory response causes overproduction of skin cells, which appear as scaly plaques. Psoriasis may affect joints and cause arthritis. It may contribute to high blood pressure or abnormal metabolism of glucose. Psoriasis runs in some families.

Psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body and at any age. The inflamed skin may appear red and will typically have thick patches of skin with white or silvery scales. These patches may be itchy or sore.
There is no cure for psoriasis. The severity of psoriasis can fluctuate throughout someone's life, and the condition may even resolve completely. Many treatments can provide significant improvement. These range from lifestyle changes and topical medications to systemic medications.
When to make an appointment
Psoriasis can greatly impact a person's life. Contact us if you suspect you have psoriasis, or if your psoriasis is not responding to your current treatment.